The Sign of Jonah


Sunday Worship July 10th, 2022   “The Sign of Jonah” Jonah 1:17 Rev. Tyler Dirks     2022-07-10 Worship Guide   Sermon Outline: What You Get What You Want Reflection Questions When was a moment where you realized that it would not be healthy for you to get what you wanted? In Luke 11, Matthew […]

Prevailing Mercy


Sunday Worship July 3rd, 2022   “Prevailing Mercy” Jonah 1:7-16 Mr. Tyler Dirks     2022-07-03 Worship Guide   Sermon Outline: Feeling The Fact That You’re Small Your Strategies Fail Embrace The Shocking Sign Of God’s Mercy Reflection Questions When was a time God forced you to feel insufficient in your area of expertise? How […]

Mercy In The Storm


Sunday Worship June 26th, 2022   “Competing Priorities” Jonah 1:4-6 Mr. Bailey Wagner     2022-06-26 Worship Guide   Sermon Outline: Mercy Pursues Us Mercy Wakes Us Up Mercy Is Our Only Hope Reflection Questions What do we learn about God when he throws the wind onto the sea? What are ways that God has […]