The Prevailing Purposes Of God


Sunday Worship August 13th, 2023   “The Prevailing Purposes Of God” Judges 14:1-4 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Our Preferences Pushback God’s Purposes Reflection Questions: Imagine the pain and disappointment Samson’s parents felt when their son was adamant about marrying a Philistine lady. When was a time that someone else’s preference […]

Are You Listening?


Sunday Worship August 6th, 2023   “Are You Listening?” Judges 13:15-25 Mr. Austin Cassel   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Clear Communication The Pleasing Offering The Arrival Reflection Questions: What does communication with God look like for you? What about your communication changes when you face uncertainty? Read Matt. 6:5-14. What is easy/hard/exciting/scary to pray […]

The Intrusion of Grace


Sunday Worship July 30th, 2023   “The Intrusion of Grace” Judges 13:1-14 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Desensitized Desiring Grace Reflection Questions: How have you personally encountered and experienced the action and intrusion of grace in your real life? Read Flannery O’ Connor’s short story entitled “Revelation.” In what ways are […]

Modest Monuments


Sunday Worship July 23rd, 2023   “Modest Monuments” Judges 12:8-15 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Shrewdness Gentle Strength Servant Hearted Reflection Questions: Where is God inviting you to practice shrewdness and diligence these days? How is God inviting you to practice modesty, meekness, and gentle strength these days? How will you […]