Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

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Senior Pastor

How Deep?


Sunday Worship October 29th, 2023   “How Deep?” Judges 19:22-30 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Disturbing Details Alarm Volume Violent Grace Reflection Questions: Read Mark 7:1-13. How have you experienced the deeply disturbing depravity of observing etiquette and tradition over obeying the spirit and substance of God’s ethic/law (see Micah 6:8; […]

Ordinary Evil


Sunday Worship October 22nd, 2023   “Ordinary Evil” Judges 19:1-21 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Selfish Ambition Illusion Of Safety Flimsy ‘Solutions’ Reflection Questions: In what ways are you selfishly ambitious and conceited? How (specifically) do you count yourself as most significant? How do you confuse what you’re familiar and comfortable […]

The Pursuit Of Ease


Sunday Worship October 15th, 2023   “The Pursuit Of Ease” Judges 18 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Detour The Difficulties Obtain Approval Declare It As Doctrine Reflection Questions: What difficulties are you currently navigating? How are you tempted to detour the difficulties? How is the Holy Spirit cajoling you to persevere […]

Power Perfected Through Weakness


Sunday Worship October 1st, 2023   “Power Perfected Through Weakness” Judges 16:23-31 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Inclusion Of Undesirable Characters Inescapable Weakness Indomitable Reflection Questions: How do you feel about Paul’s fomenting use of the word ‘skubala’ in Philippians 3? What is the most indomitable event in human history? Who […]