Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

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Senior Pastor

Living The Dream


Sunday Worship November 26th, 2023   “Living The Dream” Judges 21:8-25 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Punishment Provision Preservation Reflection Questions: How do you ordinarily experience shame, and subsequently engage in blaming others? When was a time you engaged in casuistry? Have you ever felt like you needed to provide something, […]

Responding To Brokenness: The Basics


Sunday Worship November 19th, 2023   “Responding To Brokenness: The Basics” Judges 21:1-6 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Boundaries Bitter Build An Alter Reflection Questions: What boundaries do you need to establish in order to discern and dive into constructive contact and interactions with your spouse (or kids, or other relatives, […]

Holy War


Sunday Worship November 12th, 2023   “Holy War” Judges 20:27-48 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: God Wants You Entirely God Wipes Out Evil Reflection Questions: When have you run away from God because His treasuring of you was too intense? How have you attempted to use God as a resource rather […]

Dealing With The Evil Within


Sunday Worship November 5th, 2023   “Dealing With The Evil Within” Judges 20:1-26 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: A Massive Undertaking Messy & Mysterious Reflection Questions: When was a time you resolved to deal with a massive internal problem? How’d it go? …What specific and substantial commitments did you have to […]