Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

205208 of 376 items

Senior Pastor

The Main Things: Not The Righteous


Sermon Text: Luke 5: 27-32 Sermon Outline: Where Are You? I Want You! Walk This Way Reflection Questions: How does THE FACT that God really does meet you where you really are impact you? …Even if God simply sits with you (i.e. if He doesn’t change your circumstances), what difference does God’s presence make? How […]

The Main Things: Your Sins Are Forgiven


  Sermon Text: Luke 5: 17-26 Sermon Outline: Amazing Friends Health Scandalous Pardon Reflection Questions: When was a time you realized, “I have amazing friends?” When was a time you realized that being a member of a local and particular church was truly, really healthy? How will you specifically commit to repenting of your unhealthy […]

The Main Thing: I Desire Mercy


    Sermon Text: Luke 5:12-16   I. MEEK II. MESSY III. MARINATE IN THE WORD   Reflection Questions Jesus says to us, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” How will you commit to going and learning what this means in the month of August 2019? What’s a current (mercy-rich) […]

Reactions to Jesus


Sermon Text: Luke 4:14-30 Sermon Outline: Impressive Opposed Overcome Reflection Questions: How – specifically – have you been IMPRESSED with the staggering authority and glory of Jesus in the past month? How have you opposed and undervalued Jesus in 2019? What can you do to repent and become obsessed with Jesus for the remainder of […]