Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

189192 of 376 items

Senior Pastor

The Biggest Question


Sermon Text: Luke 9: 18-27 Sermon Outline: The Biggest Question The Impact of the Answer Reflection Questions: Do you merely revere Jesus? What would it look like for you to receive Jesus as extremely relevant to everything you do everyday? As you simply sit still and honestly study Jesus, what comes into focus about the […]

Participating In The Kingdom


Sermon Text: Luke 9: 1-9 Sermon Outline: Odd Choice Oppose Darkness & Death Dependence & Doing Life Together Reflection Questions: When was a time you were frustrated or extremely confused by the fact that God likes involving fallible human beings in the work of expanding His Kingdom? How have you acquired a taste for some […]



Sermon Text: Luke 8: 40-56 Sermon Outline: Invites Inconvenience Insists on Faith Reflection Questions: How do you need to invite (or at least embrace) inconvenience in your life these days? How has Jesus developed in you an authentic desire to invite inconvenience? Do you ever feel like you’re an inconvenience? How is God showing you […]

The Presence And Power of God


Sermon Text: Luke 8: 26-39 Sermon Outline: He Shows Up He Listens He Unleashes His Power Reflection Questions: How do you feel about the fact that God shows up in your life even if you don’t want Him to? Have you ever thought of Christmas as an “Invasion Story”? How can you capture and celebrate […]