Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

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Senior Pastor

What Do You Want From Jesus?


Sunday Worship April 5th, 2020 Sermon: “What Do You Want From Jesus?” Luke 11: 29-32 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Worship Guide April 5th, 2020 Children’s Sermon Notes. Luke Sermon Outline: Seeking For A Sign Surrounded By Signs Resurrection & Repentance Reflection Questions: How does your desire for signs distract you from savoring God?  What miracles […]

Lord, Teach Us To Pray


Sermon Text: Luke 11:1-4 Sermon Outline: Fatherly Footing Immovable Identity Submit To The Supernatural Delight To Depend Reflection Questions: When was a time you were absolutely convinced of God’s Fatherly affection for you? How have you entered and experienced the relief and liberty of forfeiting the quest for personal fame in favor of fixating on […]

The Joy Set Before You


Sermon Text: Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Outline: Something Must Be Done! The Joy Set Before You Reflection Questions: When was a time you held other people (and perhaps even God) in contempt for not helping or caring enough? How have you chosen to be anxious and troubled rather than the joy set before you in the […]

The Commitment Of Christ Our Enemy


Sermon Text:  Luke 10:25-37 Sermon Outline: Our Commitment Christ’s Commitment Reflection Questions: How are you currently committed to the evil notion of self-sufficiency (e.g. “I can do it myself!”)? Where are you currently being too cautious and overly conservative? What kind of extravagant mercy scenario is the Holy Spirit currently calling you to participate in? […]