Sermons by Rev. Tyler Dirks

5356 of 376 items

Senior Pastor

Powder Keg


Sunday Worship May 14, 2023   “Powder Keg” Judges 8:1-9 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: Complaints & Accusations Exhausted & Unsupported Response Reflection Questions: Have you ever chosen to feel offended and get dramatic and shrill about blaming others? Have you ever been fiercely accused of something you didn’t do? How did that […]

God At Work


Sunday Worship May 7, 2023   “God At Work” Judges 7:19-25 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: Front Row Seat See God Work Invited & Involved Reflection Questions: What’s something you will not allow to become peripheral in your life; something you insist on having a front row seat for it? Read John 6:28-29. […]

Cultivating Confidence


Sunday Worship April 30, 2023   “Cultivating Confidence” Judges 7:9-18 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: Moving Toward The Fear Listen For What God Says Worship & Walk In His Way Reflection Questions: If you were counseling a fearful person, how would you go about building their confidence? When was a time you moved […]

What God Wants


Sunday Worship April 23, 2023   “What God Wants” Judges 7:1-8 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: Honesty First Love Affection Weakness Reflection Questions: How have you experienced the freedom of being honest about the fact that you’re scared, while simultaneously experiencing the freedom of not being dominated and defined by fear? Ponder the […]