Judges: The Enshrined Self Nightmare

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Stories of Salvation


Sunday Worship March 19th, 2023   “Stories of Salvation” Judges 4:17-24 Bailey Wagner     Sermon Outline: Inescapable Judgment An Unlikely Deliverer An Unforgettable Acts of Salvation

Good Infection


Sunday Worship March 12th, 2023   “Good Infection” Judges 4:1-16 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: External Pressure Entrenched Passivity Edification & Passion Reflection Questions What’s something that you’re so passionate about you would continue to do it even if everyone else stopped? Read Luke 14:16-24. What is your FIRST LOVE? (see Revelation 2:4 […]

More Than Conquerors


Sunday Worship March 5th, 2023   “More Than Conquerors” Judges 3:26-31 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: Who Are They What Do They Have Reflection Questions Think of someone who is not impressive to you. Now, whoever you are currently following on Instagram, stop following them, and follow this unimpressive person instead! Reflect on […]

Satire and Salvation


Sunday Worship February 26, 2023   “Satire & Salvation” Judges 3:12-25 Rev. Tyler Dirks     Sermon Outline: A Big Problem Satire The Savior Reflection Questions What big problems are you currently facing? How have you seen God address your problems? What’s your favorite scene of salvation satire in Scripture? (e.g. 1 Samuel 5:4; Numbers […]