Colossians & Philemon

1720 of 26 items

Shadow Vs. Substances


Sunday Worship March 3rd, 2024   “Shadow Vs. Substances” Colossians 2:16-19 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Stuck In The Shadows Savoring The Substance Reflection Questions: In what ways are you stuck in the shadows of legalism, religious observances, self- disciplinism, preoccupation with “principle issues,” and worrying about “important biblical doctrines”? How […]



Sunday Worship February 25th, 2024   “Bold” Colossians 2:8-15 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: Bold Confrontation Bold Commendation Bold Clarification Reflection Questions: What captivating philosophies enslave you? What empty, deceitful, human traditions enslave you? When was a time you boldly confronted a very real problem? (to determine whether or not something […]

Christian Maturity


Sunday Worship February 18th, 2024   “Christian Maturity” Colossians 2:6-7 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: As You Received Christ Rooted, Built Up, & Est. in the Faith Abounding In Thanksgiving Reflection Questions: How did you first receive Jesus? When you first received Jesus how prominent was your sense of desperation and […]

The Joyful Struggle


Sunday Worship February 11th, 2024   “The Joyful Struggle” Colossians 2:1-5 Rev. Tyler Dirks   Sermon Audio   Sermon Outline: A Great Struggle Spread The Love Hold Firm Reflection Questions: Why do YOU want people do know how much you’ve struggled and suffered? Why does PAUL want people to know how much he’s struggled and […]