Cling: The Gospel of Luke

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The Main Thing: I Desire Mercy


    Sermon Text: Luke 5:12-16   I. MEEK II. MESSY III. MARINATE IN THE WORD   Reflection Questions Jesus says to us, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” How will you commit to going and learning what this means in the month of August 2019? What’s a current (mercy-rich) […]

Christ’s Call Changes Everything


Sermon Text: Luke 5:1-11 Sermon Outline: Christ Changes Your Mission Christ Changes Your Obedience Christ Makes It All Work Reflection Questions: What is your mission/purpose/aim in life? Will you let Christ hijack it? In what area of life are you resisting God’s call to trust and obey? Tell your family/friends about a time that you […]

I (Jesus) Got the Power!


Sermon Text: Luke 4:31-44 Sermon Outline: Jesus Seeks Jesus Speaks Jesus Sermon Preps Reflection Questions: In what ways have you felt God seeking you to speak to you this past month? What struggles do you have in not only listening, but obeying God who speaks to us in the Word? What encouragement do you find […]

Reactions to Jesus


Sermon Text: Luke 4:14-30 Sermon Outline: Impressive Opposed Overcome Reflection Questions: How – specifically – have you been IMPRESSED with the staggering authority and glory of Jesus in the past month? How have you opposed and undervalued Jesus in 2019? What can you do to repent and become obsessed with Jesus for the remainder of […]