Cling: The Gospel of Luke

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The Joy Set Before You


Sermon Text: Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Outline: Something Must Be Done! The Joy Set Before You Reflection Questions: When was a time you held other people (and perhaps even God) in contempt for not helping or caring enough? How have you chosen to be anxious and troubled rather than the joy set before you in the […]

The Commitment Of Christ Our Enemy


Sermon Text:  Luke 10:25-37 Sermon Outline: Our Commitment Christ’s Commitment Reflection Questions: How are you currently committed to the evil notion of self-sufficiency (e.g. “I can do it myself!”)? Where are you currently being too cautious and overly conservative? What kind of extravagant mercy scenario is the Holy Spirit currently calling you to participate in? […]



Sermon Text: Luke 10:17-24 Sermon Outline: Our Participation Our Position God’s Pleasure Reflection Questions: When and where have you become distracted with evaluations and fantasies of “your performance” as opposed to simply, and joyfully, participating in the work of God’s Kingdom? When and where have you experienced the freedom to work with zeal because you […]

We Go In The Name Of Jesus


Sermon Text: Luke 10: 1-16 Sermon Outline: We Go Together We Go Out To A Plentiful Harvest We Go In The Name of Jesus Reflection Questions: Do I depend on other believers so much so, that I would be “lost” without them? Do I trust that the harvest is actually plenty or do I live […]