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Christian Liberty [Part I]

by Tyler Dirks

Love Constraining To Obedience by William Cowper To see the Law by Christ fulfilled, To hear His pardoning voice, Changes a slave into a child And duty into choice. 1. No strength of nature can suffice To serve the Lord aright And what she has, she misapplies, For want of clearer light. To see the […]

Holy Week: Good Friday

by Tyler Dirks

Today is “Good Friday.” “Good Friday” marks the day that the only perfect man to have ever walked the face of the earth (Jesus Christ) unjustly suffered and died on a wretched Roman cross.  And the Church – the bride and body of Jesus Christ – refers to this day as “GOOD”?! …the day on […]

Holy Week: Thursday

by Jason Piteo

Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?” He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your […]

Holy Week: Wednesday

by Jason Piteo

Compared to the three previous days of Holy Week, Jesus didn’t make a lot of noise on Wednesday. Jesus made it a practice during Holy Week to visit and teach in the temple. Of course He would spend time at the temple. Where else would He be if not His Father’s house? What’s interesting to […]

Holy Week: Tuesday

by Jason Piteo

By Tuesday of Holy Week, we see that Jesus is making it very clear that He is picking a fight with the Jewish authorities. He had begun that fight the day before by cleansing the temple. He begins his assault on Tuesday by explaining to His disciples that the cursing of the fig tree was […]

Holy Week: Monday

by Jason Piteo

It is now Monday of Holy Week, and as we walk together through Jesus’ last days on his journey to Calvary, we would do well to remember how Jesus spent this time. What was important to Him during these precious several days? What happened between Palm Sunday and Good Friday? The first thing we know […]

Holy Week: Palm Sunday

by Jason Piteo

As we enter into Holy Week on the church calendar, I thought it would be helpful for me (and you) to take some time and remember what our Lord Jesus went through on our behalf some 2,000 years ago. It’s as relevant today as anything else that has ever happened or will ever happen in […]


by Jason Piteo

Recently I was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for my wife to have her OB/GYN appointment to discover the gender of our 4th child (girl!). While we were waiting in the lobby, I heard something interesting on the TV. The news report made mention of a celebration called Junteenth, of which I had never […]

Dark Matter

by Jason Piteo

Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with the vast expanse of the cosmos. I longed to see a glimpse of galaxies far, far away. I dreamed of boldly going where no man has gone before (or at least seeing through a telescope those places where no man would ever go unless […]

What Has Become of Rest?

by Christine Yost

Sunday morning, Mother’s Day & I’m on my way to meet my son & daughter-in-law for church. Whoops! Just talked to them & there was confusion as to what service we were attending. So now, it looks like that I have 1½ hours to do whatever. No problem. I will park somewhere read & pray […]