Imaginatively Inhabit

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Don’t Follow John (Part II)

by Tyler Dirks

Jesus was enjoying time with His friends at a house party. Some Pharisee folks were monitoring Jesus, and they were upset with Him for attending this party. Why you ask? That’s a good question. It seems like, if Jesus attends a party, then there is absolutely no way to condemn Him, because He’s perfect. But […]

Don’t Follow John (Part I)

by Tyler Dirks

The thing you gotta know about John was that …he was a sensation! All kinds of people from Judea and all the region about the Jordan River were flocking to John, and they were hanging on his every word and confessing their sins to him and being baptized by him! Really try to imagine the […]

Your Secret Life

by Tyler Dirks

“When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” – Jesus of Nazareth Use the space below to write or doodle the details of your secret life:

Jesus Said What!?

by Tyler Dirks

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” [seems like Putin is ‘inheriting the earth’] “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” [seems like the merciful get taken advantage of] “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my […]

Singing & Submission

by Tyler Dirks

The other day my friend Brian asked me, “How do you know if a community is filled with the Holy Spirit?” I said, “Speaking in tongues, signs & wonders, shouting, clapping, and wild dancing!” Brian said, “mmmm.” “What do you mean ‘mmmm’?” I asked. Brian said, “How do you address people in ECLT?” I was […]

The Eccentric Rabbi

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time some theologians asked an eccentric rabbi to do a miracle. The eccentric rabbi claimed to be God, so it’s understandable that the theologians wanted to see some kind of confirmation. But the thing is, the eccentric rabbi had already done lots of miracles, and the theologians had proved to be unsatisfiable. […]

Sanity & Joy

by Tyler Dirks

On February 13th (the day before Valentine’s Day) I was chatting with Paul J. about Gilbert Keith C., and subsequently I read “Heretics” and came to the conclusion that GKC is good for my sanity and joy. GKC provoked me to perceive that majority of humans are dominated by the imaginary, which means they suffer […]

A Good Time

by Tyler Dirks

What’s your criteria for “a good time”? For example, on any given day, if you have an unexpected hour of free time, what would you need to do in order to endorse and esteem that hour as “time well spent”? Here’s one recommendation… Google quotes by GK Chesterton on goodreads, and ponder them. If you […]

Acquired Taste

by Tyler Dirks

I was chatting with some friends recently about Jesus Freaks. And of course you cannot discuss Jesus Freaks without talking about John the baptizer. John was obsessed with Jesus! Before John was even born, he was leaping with enthusiasm for Jesus in his mother’s womb! He was always saying stuff like, “Jesus infinitely outranks all […]

That Happened! [excerpts from the life of Samson …final episode]

by Tyler Dirks

Samson “served” as President of Israel for 20 years. #ThatHappened! This begs the obvious question, “What kind of leader was Samson?” Was he a master diplomatist? Was he organized, clear-headed, and poised [like Deborah]? Was he – at least – reliable, and steady (e.g. did he keep regular office hours)? …None of the above. Samson […]