Imaginatively Inhabit

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Stuff God’s Telling Me Through Isaiah (Part II)

by Tyler Dirks

In chapter 58 God tells Isaiah, “Cry aloud; do not hold back; lift up your voice like a trumpet, declare to My people their transgression.” What have the people of God done wrong? What is their transgression? Have they neglected God? Have they failed to seek God? Well, on the surface they actually seem to […]

Stuff God’s Telling Me Through Isaiah (Part I)

by Tyler Dirks

In Isaiah chapter 1 God address a community who appears to be incredibly devout. This community regularly offers a multitude of sacrifices; and while typically vast quantities means shoddy quality, in this case the community excelled in both copiousness and caliber, bringing God the fat of well-fed beasts ranging from bulls, to lambs, to goats. […]

Not Good People Get Good Friday

by Tyler Dirks

“God is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.” – Jesus “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” – Jesus How do I qualify for the benefits Jesus brings? What do I have to do? Jesus says, “Here’s […]

An Evil Generation Seeks Signs?

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine a guy who musters up the courage to ask a girl to marry him. He gets down on one knee. He cracks open a little box housing a diamond ring. He asks his beloved, “Will you marry me?” The girl stares in wonder at the ring and says, “I love diamond rings!” She doesn’t […]

God Brews Childlikeness Amidst Corona

by Tyler Dirks

“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” – God Becoming and being childlike sounds nice, but kids have no control over their lives. Kids are always being told what to do by bigger people, “Go outside and play,” “Come inside, it’s time […]

An Advent Poem In March

by Tyler Dirks

I’m a big fan of listening to Christmas music year ’round. I say, “Let us always be contemplating the incarnation!” I recently came across this poem by Cynthia Storrs, and – bottom line – I just couldn’t wait till December to share with y’all. Advent Reflection It is said, the end of a thing is […]

Serve The Purpose of God in Your Generation

by Tyler Dirks

During a brief breakfast meeting with The Maker this morning, He told me that I am supposed to, “Serve the purpose of God in my own generation (Acts 13:36).” And then I realized that one of my specific roles/calling is to circulate content like this 9 1/2 minute podcast. Please listen to this podcast for […]

Perspective & Priorities in 2020

by Tyler Dirks

Instead of New Year’s resolutions for 2020 I am sincerely inviting you to plan your funeral service. I know that sounds morbid, but in all seriousness if you want to prioritize what’s really important in 2020 then the best thing to do is consider what you want said, and who you want to be involved, […]

Becoming & Being Childlike [Part 1]

by Tyler Dirks

As a father of five I process approx. 235 lawsuits per/week. Kids are expert accountants, and they possess an innate knack for prosecution. However, roughly 234 ½ of the weekly charges filed get dismissed; and instead of proceeding to trial the “victim” is simply told, “Choose not to be mad; go play, have fun, be […]