Imaginatively Inhabit

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Hungry For More!

by Tyler Dirks

It’s truly a dilemma. You feast on real food with your true siblings on Sundays, and then Monday rolls around and you’re hungry for more. What if told you that there was a guy named Brian who could hook you up with some Monday soul food? Check it out (skip to the 42 minute mark).

Secret Service

by Tyler Dirks

A few weeks ago I visited a friend. It was an enjoyable visit. A few hours after the visit I suddenly found myself inexplicably wondering if I had said anything offensive. I analyzed the conversation and quickly determined that nothing was out of the ordinary. However, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that perhaps my […]

Jesus Has Questions

by Tyler Dirks

I was chatting with Noah Schnee yesterday, and I asked him if he’d read anything good recently. He said that he just finished a book called “Exodus.” He said that Act One was thrilling, but the Second Act was tediously crammed with technical minutiae. For instance, here’s an excerpt from chapter XXVII, “You shall make […]

Propaganda Is Thoughtful

by Tyler Dirks

Most of the time I like to listen to audiobooks or podcasts when I run. However, from time to time I prefer music; and this morning the music was made by an artist named Jason Petty (a.k.a. Propaganda). I invite you to savor some of his lyrics – – – > I don’t why, still […]


by Tyler Dirks

I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering, “What was it like in Galatia 1,978 years ago?” You’re pondering the question, “What did people in the ancient highlands of modern-day Turkey consider to be ‘important’?” It just so happens that this morning I was reading a first century letter written to people in Galatia! As it […]

East of Eden [Chapter 34]

by Tyler Dirks

My wife gets car sick. However, for some reason if she’s behind the wheel the motion malady is held at bay. So when she declared herself driver on a recent expedition to Mt. Mitchell, I knew that my fate as reader had been sealed. My wife’s pastor has been badgering her to read East of […]

Why The Rooster?

by Tyler Dirks

ECPC’s emblem is a rooster clinging to a cross. This image does not originate with us; though we have modified it with the help a local Charlotte artist name Matt Stevens, this logo was gifted to us by our sister church City Pres (PCA) in Oklahoma City. The image itself is ancient; the substance and savoriness […]

Woman With A Disabling Spirit for 18 Years [Luke 13:11]

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine there is a woman in your community who has been afflicted with a disabling spirit for 18 years. This woman is bound by Satan, she is chronically suffering a condition that burdens her to be bent over all the time; she hasn’t been able to straighten her back or stand upright for almost 2 […]

Fear & Trembling

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently chatting with my siblings about a bewildering statement made by our older brother Paul. Paul said, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” There’s a lot to ponder about this sentence, but […]

Stuff God’s Telling Me Through Isaiah (Part III)

by Tyler Dirks

In Isaiah chapters 3 and 4 God addresses snobs. Before I go any further, let me ask this question “Are you a snob?” If you said, “Yes” you are correct. Everyone is a snob about something. I have known scores of people who get persnickety about particular scene details from sitcoms. I have seen people […]