Imaginatively Inhabit

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What Have You Gotten Yourself Into?

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine that you are part of the most important movement in the history of the universe. This unparalleled movement is in its infancy stage, and it is imperative that we drum up enthusiasm and momentum. We will no doubt want to establish our headquarters in a major city, and we’ll need to collaborate with influencers […]

Be Holy

by Tyler Dirks

I was having breakfast with Carlos at Sunrise Restaurant this morning. And I was like, “So what you got going on these days?” And he was like, “I’m going to the mountains with my comrades to consider how to be holy, for God is holy (1 Peter 1:16).” And I asked, “What misconceptions come to […]

Primary Highlights & Partial Summation of the Old Testament

by Tyler Dirks

Genesis [Joe: What you meant for evil against me, God meant for good; to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today – Gen. 50:20 …For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. […]

Concerned For My Friend

by Tyler Dirks

Pray for my friend Eli y’all. Eli has made some enemies (powerful enemies); and as such, he spends a lot of time avoiding detection. He takes a lot of excursions into the wilderness, and claims that God has specifically commanded him to take these retreats; and what’s really crazy is that he claims God has […]

Deep Lamentation & A-Grace

by Tyler Dirks

I was running errands on a Saturday afternoon near my friend’s house. This was the type of person who is always glad when you drop in unannounced, so I made a brief detour down my friend’s street. Approaching the house I immediately noticed that no one was outside; which was odd because it was a […]

Stuff Worth Doing

by Tyler Dirks

I was meeting with the Master of the universe this morning, and He told me/us to do the following: Be generous. Give & give …don’t crave & crave (#Prov.21:26) …(see also Proverbs 22:9, “Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed for he shares his bread with the poor.”). Take risks. Don’t be ruled by […]

Coping With Stress

by Tyler Dirks

Have you ever been stressed out? Some of you have stressful jobs. Many moments where you’re barely hitting your deadlines; and it feels like you’re always on the brink of burning out. Some folks are swimming in stress because they all-of-a-sudden find themselves navigating increased financial obligations. Some of you are stressed because you recently […]

Becoming Childlike [Part I]

by Tyler Dirks

How do you define greatness? The only perfect person to have ever lived summed-up greatness in one word – – – > CHILDLIKE. The most powerful person in the history of the universe says, “Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom that is above all kingdoms.” Why is childlikeness so […]

Which Manager?

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine a business office. Imagine that this office has a manager. This manager doesn’t emphasize productivity, but instead intrudes upon people’s personal lives. This manager isn’t too concerned with finances, but is highly concerned that everyone be friends and interact like a big family. Instead of harping on “company policies,” “safety protocols,” and “productivity,” this […]


by Tyler Dirks

PCA-ers have a big blue book called the “BCO” (the book of church order). There’s lots of great and helpful stuff in the BCO, and there’s a decent bit of boring material as well. Whatever your opinion of the BCO, it’s appropriate to wonder, “Why do we have a BCO?” Let’s acknowledge that all communities, […]