
1120 of 26 items

Racial Reconciliation

by Tyler Dirks

Yesterday I studied the Bible with a man who doesn’t (physically) look like me. We are both of the same race (the human race), but our ethnicity is different. Also, our life experiences and cultures are a bit different. As we talked about what we see God saying to us in Scripture – our interpretations […]

The People We Love Who Reject Joy

by Tyler Dirks

How are we supposed to feel about the people we love, who are not interested in personally repenting and relying entirely on Jesus (like the woman in Mark 14:3ff)? How are we supposed to react to the people we care about, who say, “I don’t need to read the Bible or regularly examine myself as […]

Filthy Feet (by Anonymous Missionary)

by Tyler Dirks

There is a missionary doctor – who, for security reasons, wishes to remain anonymous – serving in Nepal. ECPC is privileged to be able to help support the Christ-centered labors of this missionary in Asia, and so (a) because you are investing in their work via your tithes at ECPC, and (b) because it made […]

Unqualified (by Jessica Jones)

by Tyler Dirks

I was surveying the facebook this morning and I came across this little ditty by Jessica Jones.  Bottom line – she speaks the Gospel, clear, concise, and sincere …so I’ve “re-tweeted” JJ’s blog post here on the ECPC blog just in case you don’t traffic in the wild world of the facebook. Often I wonder […]

A Crucified & Risen King

by Tyler Dirks

I recently stumbled upon a little book by a fellow named Derek Thomas called, “Let’s Study Revelation.”  At the beginning of the book Derek makes observations about the particular Words of Jesus Christ to the particular churches addressed in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.  I found these observations to be sobering, convicting, and edifying all […]

Forgive Me For Asking

by Tyler Dirks

There’s a human being named Jason Petty (come to think of it – there’s probably a few people with that name).  He’s a rapper/spoken-word poet fella (alias Propaganda).  On his album Excellent there’s a track entitled “Forgive Me For Asking.”  Here’s how it goes: Question: (And this is embarrassing) You ever been scared you had […]

Dear Wormwood

by Tyler Dirks

It’s been a long time since the last blog post here on the ECPC website.  I know that all of you faithful blog readers have been going through withdrawals, but alas – here is a fresh blog post! Disclaimer:  blogging is not my “unique ability” (at least I don’t think it is …but one can […]

Is Everything Political?

by Tyler Dirks

Article written by Denis Haack (Ransom Fellowship)   In Our Only World (2015), Wendell Berry argues that people must be careful to resist the temptation of politicization: the habit of mind that tends to reduce all of life to the political. “We must reject the idea—promoted by politicians, commentators, and various experts,” Berry says, “that […]

#denial #desensitized

by Tyler Dirks

She loved to gossip, and she was good at it.  She was quite masterful when it came to the art of hearsay – the delicate procedures of simultaneously striving to please people while besmirching people were now second-nature to her.  And “the best part” was that she was blissfully unaware of the devastating relational wreckage […]

Christian Liberty [Part II]: Free to Need Christ and Each Other

by Tyler Dirks

There is a lady who knows a great deal about neediness, desperate dependence, reliance, and what it actually looks like to receive the Kingdom of God LIKE A CHILD (Mark 10:15).  For her, it’s not mere head knowledge – it’s experiential knowledge; she is a woman who has not only recognized her neediness, but relishes […]