Posts by Tyler Dirks

6170 of 436 items

Eat This Book

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently chatting with Maria Frey about our buddy Eugene. We were specifically talking about Eugene’s good pastoral work in leading us to personally wrestle with God’s Word by forcing ourselves to paraphrase what God has told us (putting it into our own words) not in order to change what God said to accommodate […]

How Joy Works

by Tyler Dirks

Joy comes from looking at Jesus [Looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. *Hebrews 12:2]Joy comes from desperately depending upon Jesus [For thus says the […]

Painstaking Pleasure of People

by Tyler Dirks

People are like bouldering problems (i.e. the pleasure to be found in persons and community is discovered via painstaking perseverance, patient problem-solving, and joyfully partnering with others [2 Corinthians 1:24]). Some bouldering problems I can interact with and enjoy easily, immediately, and progressively. Like “The Blatant Secret” at Love Valley (if you’re interested in knowing […]

Complaining To Jesus

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time a dude came to Jesus to have Him settle an inheritance dispute with his brother. Of course we’re all assuming that Jesus will weigh-in on this matter! Of course Jesus will stop whatever else He is doing, and make this His top priority! Because this is a very big deal! A […]

The True & Vehement Understanding of Holiness

by Tyler Dirks

Gather up a sundry batch of sinners (Nehemiah 8:1). Read them the Bible (Nehemiah 8:3). Everyone is super attentive (see Acts 17:11; Nehemiah 8:5). Everyone begs for the soul food of Scripture (see Matthew 4:4; Nehemiah 8:6). Utilize people like Eugene Peterson, Fred Buechner, C.S. Lewis, Robert Farrar Capon, Dr. Steve Brown, J.R.R. Tolkien, Flannery […]

Ted Lasso, Accountability, & Forgiveness

by Tyler Dirks

The Ninevites were really bad! They were steeped in dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and their men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for […]

Working With The Persian Government

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time the LORD stirred up the spirit of the Persian potentate. The President of Persia (a distant predecessor of Sayyid Ebrahim Raisolsadati) zealously decided to wholistically finance and endorse the agenda of the Maker whose ways are radically different than our ways. The Persian President delightedly deferred to the only true & […]

King Amaziah

by Tyler Dirks

Amaziah was the king. He assumed the throne at the age of 25, and he was in power for 29 years. He wasn’t wholehearted, but he wasn’t horrible. His dad had been assassinated by a couple of dudes named Zabad and Jehozabad (let the reader observe …both names end in “bad”). When Amaziah became king, […]

The Best Commentaries

by Tyler Dirks

I’m reading through 1 & 2 Chronicles these days, and concomitantly I found myself listening to an audiobook entitled “The Last Godfather: The Rise and Fall of Joey Massino” by Simon Crittle. And I realized something… This macabre book about the mafia is thoroughly helping me understand the dynamics, and emphatic ghastliness, displayed by God […]

The Right Direction

by Tyler Dirks

Some theologians will lead you in the right direction, and some theologians will lead you in the wrong direction. And here’s the catch …Jesus of Nazareth/Jesus the Samaritan lover/Jesus the temple wrecker is the one who absolutely and ultimately defines and dictates what THE RIGHT DIRECTION is. So, “Where do you want to go?” Do […]