Posts by Tyler Dirks

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Good Questions

by Tyler Dirks

1.  Who has God put in your life for you to listen to? 2.  How are you committing to people these days?  Are you committing to a specific/local Christ-centered community in such a way that it will hurt when it comes time to leave? (See Acts 20:36-38) 3.  What RISKS are you taking these days? […]

Christ’s Unbreakable Bible

by Tyler Dirks

“Jesus held Scripture in the highest possible esteem.  He knew the Bible intimately and loved it deeply.  He was always prefacing His statements with “It is written…”  At all times (Major &/or Minor &/or Mundane) He had Scripture on His lips [it was His weapon, wheel-house and womb …toe2toe with Satan, or being crucified, etc.].  […]

“Foolish” Wisdom

by Tyler Dirks

James 3:13-4:3 tells the story of two radically different views regarding wisdom.  The first view of wisdom is from the world’s perspective.  The natural/worldly understanding regarding wisdom is fundamentally prideful, and largely driven by bitter envy and selfish-ambition.  There is (and there has always been) fighting, war, and killing; and as you analyze the motivations […]


by Tyler Dirks

It’s Christmas time.  I certainly could blog something about Christmas.  Christmas is a wonderful thing, and it is certainly worth blogging about.  However I have decided to do a little blogging about the culinary practice of depouillage instead.  Depouillage is when you put the bone of a beast in a pot of boiling water in […]

Abandoned On My Behalf

by Tyler Dirks

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”   – Mark 15:34   There are times in your life when you WILL feel abandoned by God.  You will face trials and hard circumstances; and you will experience pain, […]

Jesus & Draft Day

by Tyler Dirks

Consulting and consultants are “a thing” nowadays.  Let’s pretend Jesus encountered a consultant as He was putting together His team of disciples – – – > C:  So who do you have your eye on? J:  I really like this guy Simon. C:  Simon …Simon …Simon …I’m not seeing this name on the list. J:  […]

Excuses Excuses Vs. Exposure Exposure

by Tyler Dirks

David’s Defense Attorney [Closing Statement]:   Did my client shirk his responsibility as king by lounging around the palace while his army was at war? Let the record show that my client wouldn’t’ve stayed in Jerusalem had he not fought so many rigorous battles in the years and decades prior to this long-overdue, hard-earned, sabbatical […]

“The Problem of Evil” & Hating Sin…

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently privileged to participate in a discussion on the topic:  Suffering & the Sovereignty of God (i.e. “The Problem of Evil“).  The basic question is – – – > How can God be BOTH all-good AND all-powerful while clearly suffering and sin exist – and take their toll – in the world?  Many […]

The Milestone of Church Membership

by Tyler Dirks

There have been many milestones in our journey thus far: the calling of the Lord to plant a new Christ-centered/Gospel-saturated church in East CLT; the particular vision for East CLT Pres gleaned and gathered from Scripture; a core group of faithful ambassadors formed by the influence and enterprise of the Holy Spirit; the various teams, […]

The Community That Constantly Craved Credit

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time there was a society whose members ceaselessly sought after, incessantly craved, and constantly consumed “CREDIT.”  There was not a single, solitary, person in the entire community who did not torment themselves with an obsession for the accumulation of admiration, recognition, respect and acclaim.  A certain member of this society purchased a […]