Posts by Tyler Dirks

411420 of 437 items

#denial #desensitized

by Tyler Dirks

She loved to gossip, and she was good at it.  She was quite masterful when it came to the art of hearsay – the delicate procedures of simultaneously striving to please people while besmirching people were now second-nature to her.  And “the best part” was that she was blissfully unaware of the devastating relational wreckage […]

how to become a false god

by Tyler Dirks

STEP ONE:  Accumulate, Develop, and Exaggerate Resources. STEP TWO:  Identify, Develop, and Exaggerate Strengths. STEP THREE:  Establish & Organize Resources and Strengths in such a way so as to obtain Maximum “Control.” *Important Note #1:  in order to sufficiently achieve the desired “god” status you must simultaneously strive for (a) The “O Attributes” [omniscience, omnipotence, […]


by Tyler Dirks

Lamentation flows from a heart of humility.   Lamentation is a form of worshiping the only True & Living God, and an indispensable means of maturing in our trust of Him.   Problem – – – > we have zero humility.  We have buckets ‘o plenty, and storage units galore, and train cars by the […]

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

by Tyler Dirks

I recommend this book – – – > Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing   I recommend this book to adults and children, to those who are single and those who are married, to people who have children and people who don’t, the young and the elderly, the rich and the poor, the healthy and […]

Christian Liberty [Part II]: Free to Need Christ and Each Other

by Tyler Dirks

There is a lady who knows a great deal about neediness, desperate dependence, reliance, and what it actually looks like to receive the Kingdom of God LIKE A CHILD (Mark 10:15).  For her, it’s not mere head knowledge – it’s experiential knowledge; she is a woman who has not only recognized her neediness, but relishes […]

Christian Liberty [Part I]

by Tyler Dirks

Love Constraining To Obedience by William Cowper To see the Law by Christ fulfilled, To hear His pardoning voice, Changes a slave into a child And duty into choice. 1. No strength of nature can suffice To serve the Lord aright And what she has, she misapplies, For want of clearer light. To see the […]


by Tyler Dirks

How could this happen!?  How could he – of all people – fall away?  This is appalling!  Such wretched and tawdry pests!  And who knows this better than him!?  Who is more intimately acquainted with their sordid doctrines than he is!?  And he defects!?!  He decides to join their ranks!  Of course I’m panicked!!!  If […]

Holy Week: Good Friday

by Tyler Dirks

Today is “Good Friday.” “Good Friday” marks the day that the only perfect man to have ever walked the face of the earth (Jesus Christ) unjustly suffered and died on a wretched Roman cross.  And the Church – the bride and body of Jesus Christ – refers to this day as “GOOD”?! …the day on […]

Blaming God (By Steve Fröehlich)

by Tyler Dirks

The long line of ants parading across the kitchen counter leads to a jar of sticky strawberry jelly left open last night by someone who raided the fridge for a midnight snack. A perturbed voice echoes through the house: “Who forgot to put the jelly away? Daa-ad?” Blame. We point a finger at another person […]