Posts by Tyler Dirks

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War On Despair [#TalkingTruth2Yourself]

by Tyler Dirks

There is a story called The Silver Chair [PAUSE] – – – > take a moment, get hold of this story, read it.   Okay, now that you’ve read it you will have a vivid picture in your mind of the scene which I’m about to reference.   Remember the scene where Eustace, Jill, Puddleglum, […]

pray without ceasing

by Tyler Dirks

I came across an excellent commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:17… ‘I only pray when I am in trouble, and I am trouble all the time …The recipe for obeying St. Paul’s pray without ceasing is not strict ascetical regimen but a watchful recognition of the trouble we are in.’ – Eugene H. Peterson

I Decided to Know Nothing Except…

by Tyler Dirks

I long for sweet simplicity. Hillary. Trump. Capitalism. Welfare. Political Correctness. Media Insanity. Lots and lots and lots of talking and emotion and mobs when there ought to be listening and curiosity and asking – in the words of Mr. Fox – “What’s the subtext here?” I hunger and thirst for stability and clarity and […]

Scared of Evangelism

by Tyler Dirks

About a month ago I watched a documentary called “The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young.” Ever since I saw it, I’ve been telling people about it. Unsolicited, out-of-nowhere, I will ask people, “Have you ever heard of the Barkley Marathons…?” Whether or not people want to hear about it is beside the […]

Walking by Faith Through Suffering

by Tyler Dirks

I’ll admit it …I like John Piper. To be perfectly honest I agree with JP about a lot of things. I will not attempt to veil the fact that I regularly listen to the Ask Pastor John Podcast. Moreover, I will not deny that I found the most recent episode of the APJP to be […]

How To Handle A Legalist

by Tyler Dirks

“Now his older son was in the field, and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he […]

An Errand to the World’s Edge

by Tyler Dirks

My family & I recently listened to “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” on audiobook. For a variety of reasons, this scene where King Caspian extends an exclusive & privileged invitation to select men to join him on a dangerous mission to the world’s edge resonated with me. Please read & enjoy… At this point […]

Filthy Feet (by Anonymous Missionary)

by Tyler Dirks

There is a missionary doctor – who, for security reasons, wishes to remain anonymous – serving in Nepal. ECPC is privileged to be able to help support the Christ-centered labors of this missionary in Asia, and so (a) because you are investing in their work via your tithes at ECPC, and (b) because it made […]

Abraham’s Offspring

by Tyler Dirks

In Acts 7 a guy named Stephen tells the story of Abraham’s Offspring. It’s a fascinating & lamentable anomaly of a story. It starts out with the God of Glory revealing Himself to a pagan fella named Abraham. God tells Abraham to leave the only land he’s ever known (leaving behind his family, friends, culture, […]

Unqualified (by Jessica Jones)

by Tyler Dirks

I was surveying the facebook this morning and I came across this little ditty by Jessica Jones.  Bottom line – she speaks the Gospel, clear, concise, and sincere …so I’ve “re-tweeted” JJ’s blog post here on the ECPC blog just in case you don’t traffic in the wild world of the facebook. Often I wonder […]