Posts by Tyler Dirks

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Have You Ceased to Cherish This?

by Tyler Dirks

I recently heard from an old friend about the following scenario – – – > A suave guy showed up in our community. Everyone was immediately drawn to him. He was good looking, outgoing, hospitable, easy to talk to, articulate, and he even spoke of how “he’s not perfect” and how he “needs the grace […]

Folly & Friendship

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently talking with a good and trustworthy friend of mine, and he was telling me about a challenging relational situation he’s been dealing with. It is abundantly clear that my friend genuinely loves the individual he’s having problems with, and while it is true that love covers a multitude of sins, an inescapable […]

Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Katia

by Tyler Dirks

According to the dictionary on my computer – deluge means: “a great quantity of something arriving at the same time.” Certain seasons of life sometimes feel like this – – – > a deluge of difficulties, disturbances, and dilemmas. It’s kind of like 2017’s hurricane season – a series of heavy-duty hurricanes in quick succession. […]

Mark XII: Begging Better Than Boasting

by Tyler Dirks

The Marvelous Thing The Lord Did 1And He began to speak to them in parables. “A man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a pit for the winepress and built a tower, and leased it to tenants and went into another country. 2 When the season came, he sent a servant […]

Imaginatively Inhabit

by Tyler Dirks

Fact: It is the year 2017. Fact: God has Authored me to exist in the year 2017. Therefore, I must personally come to terms with these facts. I must grasp ‘the reality’ of the world in which I have been placed. I must get with the times. I need to make decisions and do things in […]

Use Your Imagination

by Tyler Dirks

My word for 2017 is “Imagination.” I am increasingly convinced that we (the human race in the 21st century) have an atrophied imagination. We are invited to endure as seeing Him who is invisible, and we are told that though we have not seen Him, we love Him. Though we do not now see Him, we […]

Stories of Subversion

by Tyler Dirks

The Author and Maker SEZ to submit to the people whom He has ordained, assigned, and positioned in authority over us. The Maker SEZ, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and […]

Something Unpopular Remains To Be Dealt With…

by Tyler Dirks

One of the most widely-revered thinkers of the 20th century is a man by the name of Clive Staples Lewis. I have personally met humans from a variety of Christian denominations and world religions who enthusiastically embrace and enjoy his work. I marvel at this. Because Clive Lewis is not a man who avoids controversial […]

How We Evaluate Missionaries

by Tyler Dirks

Every community on the planet supports missionaries. On the most basic level, everyone deeply approves of something, and there is an inescapable desire to advocate for, and convert others to, the same set of beliefs. Some have clearly defined criteria for evaluating whether or not they will endorse and support someone, while others take a […]