Posts by Tyler Dirks

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What God Said to the Serpent

by Tyler Dirks

Good morning faithful blog readers! I hope you are finding it impossible not to be enthralled with your Maker this week; and I hope that you are finding it impossible to avoid repenting of your personal, specific, and substantive errors and blunders …and having thoroughly wrestled against your own selfishness and against the rulers, authorities, […]

The Joy Of Him In Us

by Tyler Dirks

Picture a person with unsurpassed supremacy and influence. You overhear this person conversing with someone else, and they make mention of YOU! It is odd to hear your name upon lips as formidable as this, but it’s unmistakably true – he is talking about you. The unparalleled renown of this person would cause you to […]

Joy Loves Limits Part II: Lamentation vs. Anger

by Tyler Dirks

Why do I choose anger over lamentation? Anger feels powerful. Anger promotes the lie of transcendence over limitations. Anger creates the sensation that I am “in control.” Lamentation on the other hand, feels powerless. Lamentation tells me to accept my limitations. Lamentation situates me in sorrow amidst calamity AND sorrow over the arrogant cancer of […]

The Joy of Remembering

by Tyler Dirks

Last week I was reading the Maker’s book. He mentioned something very important, and I thought, “This is important! I must never forget this!” And I resolved to always remember what the Maker had said. After my time in the Maker’s book, I decided to mow the lawn. About 20 minutes into mowing the lawn […]

Joy Accepts Affliction

by Tyler Dirks

There is a family in Durham NC who shows hospitality to trusted friends (Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9) AND strangers  as well (Heb. 13:2)! One of these strangers decided to abuse the privilege of being so liberally and lovingly welcomed by breaking into this family’s home and ransacking their property. Some trusted friends said, “Well, […]

Joy Defies Herod

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine you’re an adviser to the king of Iran. You glean your insights, and get your news, from the stars. One day an unusual star broadcasts the arrival of a Jewish king (the King of kings!). So you take a leave of absence from serving the king of Iran, and you pack up your treasures […]

Joy Loves Limits

by Tyler Dirks

When I was a young lad my dad took me to a Kansas City Royals baseball game. Now the question is, “Was this an enjoyable experience?” Well, let’s think about this for a moment. It would be extraordinarily difficult for a child to enjoy a major league ballgame if he was expected to navigate the […]

Brazen Courageous Joy

by Tyler Dirks

Sometimes joy seems impertinent. Once upon a time there was a king who wished to transport something infinitely powerful, and exceedingly lethal to mortals. The king failed to adhere to, and abide by, the particular protocol necessary to ensure the safety of the community while moving the mortally perilous object. The negligence of the king […]

What We Must Have From Our Leaders

by Tyler Dirks

Last night the elders of ECPC examined two men for offices of ordained leadership in the church. I woke with the following question writ bold in my imagination, “What must we have from our leaders?” In 1779 a man thoroughly acquainted with his personal, specific, and substantive evils and wretchedness wrote the following poem – […]


by Tyler Dirks

We often hear song lyrics, but fail to heed the story being told. I remember working as a prep cook in the kitchen at Kappa Kappa Gamma in Manhattan KS, and my boss Liz loved to listen to Ben Harper, Sheryl Crow, and Melissa Etheridge while we worked. One time we were listening to the […]