Posts by Tyler Dirks

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Introverts & Extroverts [Helpful Thoughts From Jessica]

by Tyler Dirks

I am an introvert. Some of my best friends are extroverts. Of course God has Authored our community in His own image (diverse yet not divided, united but not uniform), and therefore we are a blend of of sundry branches united in by a common trunk (i.e. Christ Crucified …the epic story of God’s seemingly […]

Pray For Your Church Leaders!

by Tyler Dirks

Today I received a text message from an ordained PCA officer (a deacon to be specific). Though we have certainly had our differences, I must say that I found his message edifying. Here’s the message: “I want to hate my sins more than I hate the sins of others who sin differently than I do.” […]

See me. Hear me. Want me.

by Tyler Dirks

The 3 BIG questions all of us are asking all the time: Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do you want me?   This is the subtext of our entire life. Kids are asking their parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, etc. Husbands are asking their wives. Wives are asking their husbands. People are asking […]

Hurricane Florence

by Tyler Dirks

The ECPC call center has been getting slammed with people wanting advice and explanations re: Hurricane Florence. The explanation is – – – > God is authoring and perfecting faith. God is removing flabby “worship”, and supplanting it with a sturdy obsession aimed at our Maker. The advice is – – – > Fix your […]

No Guilt In Life, No Fear In Death

by Tyler Dirks

Guilt and fear are prominent and perennial forces in our lives. There is constant pressure to pay attention to, and participate in, the riotous assortment of advertisements, invitations, and the never-ending “news” coverage and media feeds. It is overwhelming and oppressive, but we’ve never been good at acknowledging our smallness or embracing our limits; so […]


by Tyler Dirks

My friend Ray recently made a comment about revival that resonated with me. Ray said, “Revival isn’t when people outside the church get converted, it is when people inside the church get converted.” I know what it’s like to be an unbeliever. Not simply because I used to be an unbeliever, but because I still […]

Spiritual Warfare

by Tyler Dirks

Yesterday I received a call about an attack. I’m not talking about the kind of attack that you can physically see, quantify, and measure …I’m talking about a Real attack. We quickly called in the big guns, and then went to bed. I have been in communication with the Boss/BigGuns since last night, and the […]


by Tyler Dirks

I am currently preparing for a leadership retreat in September, and therefore I’ve been pouring over ECPC’s vision vocabulary (e.g. See. Savor. Serve. …Marriage, Family, Feasting). If I had to add two more “S” words I would choose “Steadfast” and “Style.” By steadfast I mean to emphasize the fact that, on one hand, we are […]