Posts by Tyler Dirks

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Judah, son of Leah (Part V)

by Tyler Dirks

It was a surreal moment. A blend of incredulity, shame, and awe swept over me. The incriminating items were certainly mine. Any attempt to hide my ownership would’ve been like an identical twin trying to deny his relation to his brother. But the fact that it was Tamar holding the signet, cord, and staff was […]

Judah, son of Leah (Part IV)

by Tyler Dirks

I think the word “desensitized” would sum up my life in those days. It was like I had anesthetized my soul. I knew that life among the Canaanites would be hazy, and after “The Joseph Transaction” I was desperate for a foggy environment where hiding happens naturally. I didn’t want to face the truth, I […]

Judah, son of Leah (Part III)

by Tyler Dirks

I had experienced episodes of shame before, but they never lingered long – never had my bouts been severe or sustained. It’s like when you’re sitting around a fire and an ember lands on your leg, there’s a singe but it dies, it dissipates; but this ember embedded and burned. I don’t think anyone was […]

Judah, son of Leah (Part II)

by Tyler Dirks

I suppose you could say I “went through the motions” as a shepherd. I did my duty, I showed up and performed my part, I did my time. That particular day we were near Shechem, and it will come as no surprise to anyone that my ambition was far more aligned with the commerce of […]

Judah, son of Leah (Part I)

by Tyler Dirks

The instinct to keep the shameful details of my story hidden was very strong. On some level, the decision to reveal the truth was (and is) a mystery to me. Certainly, there are moments when I wish people didn’t know; there are those who criticize and cast scorn, but even in receiving the contempt of […]

The Society of the Weak

by Tyler Dirks

A group of men asked their Maker, “Which one of us is the most spectacular, the most relevant, and the most important?” The Maker put a uncredentialed, unimpressive, feeble child in their midst and said, “Unless you repent, and become like this child, you will never be great.” The Maker went on to explain to […]

Jesus bids you to follow Him (even Monday-Saturday)

by Tyler Dirks

I’m reading a book by Daniel Montgomery and Mike Cosper called, “Faith Mapping,” and on page 162 they share an insight from Dallas Willard …and I think we need to absorb it and ask God to Author and Perfect it in the body of ECPC. In our culture, and among Christians as well, Jesus Christ […]

Early Church Fathers

by Tyler Dirks

I’m currently reading a book by Rankin Wilbourne entitled “Union With Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God.” Rankin keeps quoting the early church fathers as a way of calling attention to the emphasis on union with Christ in Scripture and in the souls of those who are obsessed with Scripture. As I absorb […]

Easter Means… Your Evils Are Forgiven.

by Tyler Dirks

Tomorrow Jesus stoops to wash my feet. Friday Jesus drinks the wrath. Jesus is adamant about my atonement and my adoption. Sunday Jesus rises from the grave so that He can eternally enjoy the oneness with me that He purchased 3 days prior. It is true. It is staggering …God loves His enemies and does […]

The Power of Humility

by Tyler Dirks

The older I get the more I see how hard it is for humans to get along. We fought with our siblings and neighborhood kids growing up, and we thought we’d outgrow our self-serving assumptions and temper tantrums …but as adults we are arguably worse! At least when we were kids we genuinely believed we […]