Posts by Tyler Dirks

201210 of 436 items

Deep Lamentation & A-Grace

by Tyler Dirks

I was running errands on a Saturday afternoon near my friend’s house. This was the type of person who is always glad when you drop in unannounced, so I made a brief detour down my friend’s street. Approaching the house I immediately noticed that no one was outside; which was odd because it was a […]

Stuff Worth Doing

by Tyler Dirks

I was meeting with the Master of the universe this morning, and He told me/us to do the following: Be generous. Give & give …don’t crave & crave (#Prov.21:26) …(see also Proverbs 22:9, “Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed for he shares his bread with the poor.”). Take risks. Don’t be ruled by […]

Coping With Stress

by Tyler Dirks

Have you ever been stressed out? Some of you have stressful jobs. Many moments where you’re barely hitting your deadlines; and it feels like you’re always on the brink of burning out. Some folks are swimming in stress because they all-of-a-sudden find themselves navigating increased financial obligations. Some of you are stressed because you recently […]

10101 Workday

by Tyler Dirks

1 Thessalonians 2:8 says, “Being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” One of the best ways to deepen friendships, galvanize fellowship, and fortify our familial bond in Christ is through gathering […]

ECPC’s Vision

by Tyler Dirks

There are various ways to appropriately, and emphatically, communicate the primary dimensions of ECPC’s vision. For example, we could say, “We decide to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And we live as aliens and strangers in this world, in weakness and in fear and much trembling. And our speech and our message […]

Complaint Training

by Tyler Dirks

I have noticed that the vast majority of complaints are unworthy of being taken seriously. The unworthiness has to do with the fact that the complaints typically come from “frequent flyers,” and the complainant hasn’t done the necessary prerequisite work of scrutinizing themselves and discerning an edifying way to convey their concern. The result is […]

Becoming Childlike [Part III]

by Tyler Dirks

Jesus regularly says shocking and offensive stuff to us. Remember that time Jesus told a paralyzed guy that his sins were forgiven! …Imagine how offended you would be! You’re the victim! You’re paralyzed! You think, “God has some explaining to do.” And then one day God shows up in the flesh and the first thing […]

Becoming Childlike [Part II]

by Tyler Dirks

Who are the great ‘followers of God’? Who are the people setting the pace for godliness? Who do we esteem and venerate as the ‘giants of the faith’? It’s the people who obtain PhDs and publish books …right? It’s the folks wearing suits and showing us quantifiable versions of piety …right? It’s the people who […]

Becoming Childlike [Part I]

by Tyler Dirks

How do you define greatness? The only perfect person to have ever lived summed-up greatness in one word – – – > CHILDLIKE. The most powerful person in the history of the universe says, “Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom that is above all kingdoms.” Why is childlikeness so […]

Allergic to Your Actual Life?

by Tyler Dirks

Linda Wilkinson let me borrow a book a few months ago. “This too shall last” by KJ Ramsey. I took pictures of a few pages that resonated with me. Here are a few of my favorites – – – >