Posts by Tyler Dirks

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Exhort One Another Every Day

by Tyler Dirks

7/1/22 Tyler, a wretch ransomed by divine mercy, an adopted child of God, sibling of Christ, member of Christ’s body, and pastor of ECPC by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, To ECPC, my beloved church family: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father […]

Joe Moe Dan & Dumbledore

by Tyler Dirks

We want things to “make sense.” We attempt to force people, decisions, and incidents into simplistic categories of “black” and “white”; “appropriate” and “inappropriate”; “abuse” and “care.” But then we read the most authoritative and active account of history and we find that people, decisions, and incidents are complicated, messy, and mysterious. For instance, once […]

The Nitty-Gritty of the Great Commission

by Tyler Dirks

Perhaps the most famous chapters in Scripture. Matthew 28 and Luke 24. The Marys visit the tomb of Jesus and find it empty! There’s an earthquake, an angel, and Jesus Himself – all converging to commission Christ’s followers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Trinity, and […]


by Tyler Dirks

To obtain maximum appreciation of this analogy you will need to partake of Wes Anderson’s 2018 film Isle of Dogs. If you haven’t already seen this film, it is heartily suggested that you (a) postpone your reading of this correspondence, cancel your plans for the next 1h 41m, watch the film, and then resume reading; […]

What Do We Do With Balaam?

by Tyler Dirks

If you press into the details of Balaam’s story, and if you operate with stouthearted integrity; then you will find yourself imaginatively inhabiting the complicated and highly nuanced realities of the world in Balaam’s day. And you will invariably be immersed in the tension of: a healthy distrust of fallible humans, and a holy delight […]

Bemidbar [דבר] Chapter 14

by Tyler Dirks

People were hysterical. Everyone was upset. The entire community turned against the leaders. They brought charges against them. The accusations were serious. Attempted murder, child abuse, gross misconduct that made 400 years of slavery look “pleasant.” In fact, there was serious talk of electing new leaders who would escort the nation back into bondage. The […]

Saved Sinners Will Judge Angels

by Tyler Dirks

“You have to admit, it’s difficult to make sense of this plan.” “Absolutely! I dare say it’s impossible to make ‘SENSE’ of it. We’re not dealing with something designed to accommodate our comprehension, but rather we are dealing with a mystery.” “So, you’re in favor of this plan?” “Absolutely! I love it!” “But you admit […]

Flight Attendants, Please Prepare For Landing

by Tyler Dirks

It’s been a six month voyage, but we are now making our final approach and denouement of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Here’s a preview of the final scene… Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. I, Paul, write this greeting […]

Stay Engaged Forever?

by Tyler Dirks

John was a matchmaker maniac! John was instrumental in Kirche and Joshua getting engaged! As Kirche and Joshua coordinated with the wedding planner and met with their premarital counselor, Kirche started to wonder if the engagement perhaps needed to be prolonged. As she got into the thick of wedding planning, she realized that there were […]

intermission [the HE>I roadmap]

by Tyler Dirks

PROLOGUE. John said, “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away […]