Sunday Worship

October 31st, 2021


“How God Orchestrates Salvation”

Esther 5:1-8

Mr. Bailey Wagner

Audio Player
    • Sunday Live Stream’s will be offline for at least the next 6 weeks, and until renovation to the sanctuary is complete.  An audio recording of the sermon will be uploaded to this page (or if you follow the RSS/Podcast feed) either by Sunday or Monday evening.

2021-10-31 Worship Guide

Children’s Sermon Notes

Sermon Outline:

1. Salvation is Dangerous
2. Salvation is Deliberate

Reflection Questions

1. What are some ways that you prefer to be comfortable? Give some specific examples.
2. Why do you think that you’re uncomfortable with God using dangerous situations to save his people?
3. Why do you think that we might desire salvation to be ill-planned instead of deliberate?
4. In what ways do you think you treat the salvation offered in Jesus as your plan-b?
5. How does the dangerous and deliberate nature of salvation shape the way you think about Christ?